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Managing Food Scraps at Rental Properties

As the final piece of the Universal Recycling Act (Act 148) that was passed by the Vermont State Legislature back in 2012; starting on July 1, 2020, food scraps are banned from being included in traditional residential trash containers. In addition to the obvious issues that the new law creates on homeowners, owners of rental properties are now faced with additional challenges in how to properly manage the three kinds of defined material waste.

In offering guidance on the subject, the State of Vermont has provided landlords with a quick reference guide that outlines best practices that landlords can take to adhere to the new waste policy.  Below are links to the FAQ guide as well as additional resources including signs / posters that can be used to help instruct tenants on where to properly place their waste...

For Landlords - Managing Food Scraps at Rentals | State of Vermont Guide

Download / Print Signs & Symbols - Universal Recycling Law | Department of Environmental Conservation | Solid Waste & Recycling Program Home Page | Vermont Agency of Natural Resources

Food Scrap Ban Resources |

If you are a landlord with additional questions or would like discuss this or anything else related to rental / investment properties please don't hesitate to email us anytime at or call Steve Lipkin at (802) 846-9575...