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Market Street Reconstruction Project

sb_ctyctr_logo2-01Currently, South Burlington is in its planning stage of their estimated $7.2 million dollar Market Street Reconstruction project.Despite the primary focus of the project involving stormwater treatment, city planners would like to develop the half mile stretch of road into something much more exciting!

This past Winter, the City of South Burlington begansoliciting ideas from the public for input onthe new Market Street Project. Current reconstruction plans include; landscaping improvements, sidewalks, public green spaces, and other necessary services and utilities.

A sizable portion, $5.5 million dollars, will come from project grants with the rest of the$1.7 millionbeing allocated from City impact fees and reserve funds. Estimated construction date, if everything moves forward, will be in 2015.

The Market Street project is a big step forward in the development of South Burlington! Click the following link to learn more, Market Street Reconstruction Project, or contact us at Lipkin Investment Properties for any further questions.

Market Street Concept Plan

Market Street Concept Plan

Proposed plan of landscaping and side walk improvements.

Proposed plan of landscaping and side walk improvements.