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The King Street Center Project

For over forty years, the King Street Center, has been providing educational programs and daycare services for many families in the Burlington area. From summer adventure camps to after school tutoring and daycare programs, the King Street Center has been an important providerfor the Burlington community.

Currently, the Center plans on doubling its size in order to accomodate more programs and services for children, ranging in ages from preschoolers toteenagers.Vicky Smith, executive director of the Youth Center,

King Street Youth Center located on 87 King Street, Burlington VT.

The King Street Youth Center, located on 87 King Street, Burlington VT.

told the Burlington Free Press that "our building is bursting at the seams," and the "current facility undermines the program's vision for the new center."

Raise the Bar Capital Campaign plan for a $4.5 million dollar, 20,000 square foot expansion.

The King Street Center, speared by Raise the Bar Capital Campaign, has raised close to four million dollars in their efforts towards a final projected cost of $4.5 million. The new building issaid to be completed by2015 with all fundraising efforts aimed at being concluded by winter of this year.

To find out more about the Raise the Bar Campital Campaign or to learn more of its plans for a new and improvedyouth center click here: King Street Center. Additional information can beacquired byvisiting the Burlington Free Press article, King Street Center Plans to Expand.