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Route 7 Vision - Investment Opportunity!

Become part of the new vision for Route 7 in Shelburne. In the Burlington Free Press Article titled Design team has 'vision' for the U.S. 7 corridor, the free press explores the possibility for changes to Route 7 also known as Shelburne Road.

The report also suggests connecting cul-de-sacs that feed onto U.S. 7 to help create a grid of streets that allow off-highway movement in the town. And form-based zoning, which emphasizes appearance rather than the use of a district, would allow the town to encourage building with a desired look as well as mixed-use, commercial, residential development important, the report says, because the town has a shortage of both office space and of affordable housing.

Here is a great opportunity for investors to benefit from the new "vision" for Route 7. 4253 Shelburne Road in Shelburne already has a fully leased 5 unit apartment building as well as a clubhouse rental situated on 4.4 acre parcel with significant development potential. Contact Us today to learn more about this opportunity or to set up a showing - (802) 846-9575.